SwissCat Symposium 2022
30th June, 2022, Department of Chemistry, University of Bern
SwissCat Symposium 2022
The SwissCat Symposium is the bi-annual meeting of the respective SCS network and brings together experts in the field of homogeneous, heterogeneous and bio-catalysis. The event also serves as a central platform for the various organizations and networks active in the field of catalysis in Switzerland.
Invited lectures this year were provided by:
Prof. Rebecca Buller, ZHAW Wädenswil
«Engineering Fe(II)/α-Ketoglutarate-Dependent Halogenases and Desaturases»
Prof. Olivier Baudoin, University of Basel
«Ring Construction via Palladium(0)-Catalyzed C–H Activation»
Dr. Maarten Nachtegaal, PSI
«X-Ray Absorption/Emission Spectroscopy with Applications in the Different Fields of Catalysis»
Dr. Cristina Pizzolitto, Casale
«Catalysis, the Pillar of Energy Transition and Sustainability»
Prof. Gonzalo Guillen-Gosalbez, ETH Zurich
«Planetary boundaries footprints of chemicals and fuels»
Arik Beck, ETH Zurich
«Dynamics of nanoparticle motion and metal-oxide support in redox-reactive gases»
Wowa Stroek, University of Bern